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Iberostar Parque Central Hotel
Iberostar Parque Central Hotel
Old Havana, Havana City
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from 155.00 €/night
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Maximum temperatures recorded during the summer range from 31°C to 33°C. However, the winter season is kind mainly due to the proximity of the masses of water.Thus, minimum temperatures fluctuate between 18 °C and 21 °C reaching up to 10-13 °C, under the influence of cold fronts, and maximum temperatures between 21 °C and 24 °C.The average annual rainfall is 1 400 millimetres, although in rainy years they have reached up to 1 800 or 2 000. Average relative humidity is 77 percent.

Winds blow east to north-east in the early morning and (from 11 a.m. to around 5 p.m.) the breeze blows west to southwest from the bay, resulting in a very nice weather.Its attractive inlet, the country's second best, is 22 km long from north to south and 13 km wide from east to west, with an area of approximately 88 sq km.It is surrounded by the provincial territory.Between high and low tide, the sea level difference is an average of 0.25 metres, with a maximum level of 0.40.

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