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Melia Habana Hotel
Melia Habana Hotel
Modern Havana, Havana City
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from 117.00 €/night
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Zapata Swamp stores a varied fauna, and an example of it is it that exists 16 species of reptiles, among them stand out Cuban and American crocodiles, iguanas, small lizards, small and non-dangerous snakes, and several types of frogs, while the mammals are represented by species like the denominated jutía enana, and jutía conga, as well as for abundant introduced populations of puercos jíbaros and deers. In the same way exist two endangered species of aquatic vertebrates: the manatee and the manjuarí, this last one is a fish only represented in that region in Cuba. More than a thousand of species of insects, arachnids and arthropods have been identified here, some of them with peculiar shapes.
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