Province located in the central region of Cuba. It has an extension of 6761 sq km (2610 sq mi) and an estimated population of 394 499 inhabitants (1996). The province ranks seventh in extension and thirteenth in population. Its capital city is Ciego de Ávila.
In this province, carsic plains, like that of Júcaro-Morón, predominate, existing isolated elevations like those of Loma de Cunagua (332 m, 1089 ft), La Carolina (84 m, 276 ft), and Turiguanó (105 m, 344 ft). To the west are the eastern ends of Sancti Spiritus plain and Sierra de Jatibonico, this one having the highest point of the province (443 m, 1453 ft), and the hills of Tamarindo, belonging to the Santa Clara heights.
The rivers are short and narrow. The most important are Chambas and Calvario flowing to the north, and Majagua and Itabo to the south. The main lagoons are La Leche, the biggest of the country, and La Redonda. The biggest dams are Chambas 1 and Chambas 2. There is a predominance of very productive ferralithic soils, hidromorph ones in plains and low zones, and brown ones to the elevations.
Ciego de Ávila has more the 30 km (19 mi) of virgin beaches and a singularly charming and diver-attractive sea bottom, protected by the second larger coral reef in the world (only surpassed by Australia's).
The woods and other vegetation forms account for about 90% of the territory, having several lagoons, while the subsoil of this fertile land is characterized by having great water reservoirs and the best crude oil extracted in Cuba.
Municipality |
01 Chambas
02 Morón
03 Bolivia
04 Primero de Enero
05 Ciro Redondo
06 Florencia
07 Majagua
08 Ciego de Avila
09 Venezuela
10 Baraguá
Statistics |
1999 |
Surface area |
6 910 km2 |
Resident population |
407 391 inh |
Average population |
405 637 |
Female population |
49,2 |
Population in working age |
241 899 |
Urbanization index |
74,8 % |
Population density |
59,0 inh/ km2 |
Life expectancy at birth (1994-1995) |
75,36 |
Birthrate |
12,9 |
General mortality rates (per 1000 live) |
7,1 |
Infant mortality rate(per 1000 live births) |
7,1 |
Fecundity global rate (children per woman) |
1,51 |
Reproduction gross rate (daughters per woman) |
0,74 |
Inhabitants per physician |
195 |
Inhabitants per dentist |
1 090 |
Initial matricula (Course 1999/2000) |
84 472 |
Primary education |
38 636 |
Intermediate education |
30 046 |
Higher education |
3 833 |
Graduates (Course 1998/1999) |
15 056 |
Primary education |
5 930 |
Intermediate education |
6 873 |
Higher education |
661 |