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Santa Isabel Hotel
Santa Isabel Hotel
Old Havana, Havana City
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from 153.00 €/night
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Its cultural traditions do not pass unnoticed. It is the cradle of talented painters, handicrafts, and sculptors together with a wide relation of musicians who cultivated different rhythms above all the immortal Cuban Son headed by Elio Revé.
Among the most assimilated expressions of the musical customs we can mention the Quiribá or Nengón. The continuous contact with the past still living the present transform the sojourn in Baracoa in the unique possibility of enriching the life with memories that time can not erase. The oldest streets are narrow and plenty of centennial facades of houses which have red roofs. It seems to be that time has made a stop and the atmosphere of discovery is still there, above all if time is enough to visit 56 of the archaeological sites of this village. The material wealth increases in many ways but above all through the ´cacao close related to the culture of the territory. Here is where the big quantities and best chocolate is produced in the country.
From the vast culinary culture the ´Bacán´ is included, a typical food elaborated with dry coconuts, green bananas, spices of different type, pork, beef or chicken meat and a special way of elaborating that has gone from one generation to generation.
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