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Iberostar Parque Central Hotel
Iberostar Parque Central Hotel
Old Havana, Havana City
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from 155.00 €/night
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Havana City has an extension of 727,4 sq km (280,8 sq mi) and an approximate population of 2 188 828 inhabitants (1996). It ranks first among the country's cities regarding population. Havana's street arrangement is complex: reticular with dense narrow streets towards the oldest sections, mostly the colonial part declared World Heritage, and more organized with wide streets and avenues in the rest of the city.
Havana has a three-lobular bay with four big coves and a narrow entrance channel quite shielded by the hills of the coasts, which are generally high above the sea level, but have low zones like those of the mouths of rivers Luyanó and Martín Pérez. One section is protected by Havana's seawall (Malecón) and others serve as base for most part of the facilities, docks, and piers of Havana's harbor, the most important of the country and witness of more than 50% of Cuba's imports and exports. Around this bay is extended the capital city of the Republic of Cuba.



01 Playa
02 Plaza de la Revolucion
03 Centro Habana
04 La Habana Vieja
05 Regla
06 La Habana del Este
07 Guanabacoa
08 San Miguel del Padrón
09 Diez de Octubre
10 Cerro
11 Marianao
12 La Liza
13 Boyeros
14 Arroyo Naranjo
15 Cotorro

 Statistics 1999
 Surface area 727 km2 
 Resident population 2 189 716 inh 
 Average population 2 191 019 
 Female population 52,5 
 Population in working age 1 269 967 
 Urbanization index 100,0 % 
 Population density 3 010,0 inh/ km2 
 Life expectancy at birth (1994-1995) 73,86 
 Birthrate 12,6 
 General mortality rates (per 1000 live) 8,8 
 Infant mortality rate(per 1000 live births) 7,1 
 Fecundity global rate (children per woman) 1,55 
 Reproduction gross rate (daughters per woman) 0,75 
 Inhabitants per physician 109 
 Inhabitants per dentist 902 
 Initial matricula (Course 1999/2000) 408 407 
   Primary education 172 912 
   Intermediate education 148 283 
   Higher education 31 333 
 Graduates (Course 1998/1999) 77 023 
   Primary education 29 571 
   Intermediate education 36 480 
   Higher education 4 297 


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