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Villa Los Pinos Hotel
Villa Los Pinos Hotel
Havana Eastern Beaches, Havana City
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from 192.00 €/night
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San Salvador de Bayamo, National Monument, in its condition of capital of the province of Granma becomes a center tourist attraction mainly for the lovers of history, nature, and traditions that challenge the passing of the years.
In the city, constructions of the XVIII, XIX and XX centuries harmonize together. The big city has expanded its extension in the last years and it is erected as an industrial and productive symbol.
On the road that leads to Santiago de Cuba, you may find the four –stars hotel ‘Bayamo’ endowed with 204 rooms. There, the excellence in the treatment and services provide the visitor an unforgettable stay.
Other hotel facilities are located closer to the center of the city that stores a part of history on each corner. The carriages are part of the people of Bayamo patrimony.
Since the XIX century, there were on the streets fragile and light ‘volantes’ (a two – wheel covered vehicle with very long shafts) through the roads which were also dumb witnesses of the presence of calashes and ‘Quitrines’.
Among the museums, the main attraction is the house where Carlos Manuel de Céspedes lived, who was fairly named Padre de la Patria. It can not be forgotten the visit to the place where the lyrics of the Cuban National Anthem were sang for the first time.
Among the places that we recommend you to visit there are:

. Museo Provincial
. Iglesia Parroquial Mayor de San Salvador
. Torre de San Juan Evangelista
. The old mill, Pillar de Jucibama
. Cento Histórico Urbano (Historical Urban Center)
. Conjunto Arquitectónico de la plaza del Himno
. Iglesia del Santísimo Salvador
. Museum, Casa Natal del Padre de la Patria

The previous places are just a few examples of the sites of cultural and historic interest that exist in Bayamo. To say more, in the province of Granma there are 48 percent of the places or facts with a historical connotation in the country. The visitor can take Bayamo as a spring-board in order to resort to other sites as Dos Ríos, place where the apostle, Josè Martì died in combat or ‘Las Coloradas’, place where it would land the Granma yacht in the expedition that stated the bases for the beginnings of the armed struggle in the Sierra Maestra, whose elevations can even be appreciated from the same capital city.
The stay can include a visit to the nearest city of Manzanillo that stores the beautiful Gulf of Guanacanaybo and hundreds of institutions and places that will help you know part of the roots of the Cuban people.

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