Province located on the south coast of Cuba's central region. It has an extension of 4176,7 sq km (1612,6 sq mi) and an estimated population of 384 362 inhabitants (1996). The province ranks thirteenth in extension and fourteenth population. Along this region, plain zones, like Cienfuegos and Manacas plains, predominate. Those plains are located to the west and center of the province respectively while to the eastern part we find the heights of Santa Clara and the mountains of Guamuhaya, the latter having the highest point in the province and central region of Cuba, Pico San Juan (1140 m, 3739 ft) and the Martín Infierno cave treasuring a 50 m (164 ft) high and 30 m (98 ft) wide stalagmite.
Cienfuegos' fluvial system is represented by rivers Damují, Caunao, Arimao, Salado, and San Juan among others. Highly important are Ciego Montero mineral, medicinal, and thermal waters. Cienfuegos bay is characterized by its depth, its narrow entrance channel, and its wide interior. In addition, the waterfalls of El Nicho, located in Sierra de Trinidad mountain range, and the Guajimico zone are ideal sites for those loving nature and adventure tourism.
Municipality |
01 Aguada de Pasajeros
02 Rodas
03 Palmira
04 Lajas
05 Cruces
06 Cumanayagua
07 Cienfuegos
08 Abreus
Statistics |
1999 |
Surface area |
4 178 km2 |
Resident population |
395 135 inh |
Average population |
393 744 |
Female population |
49,5 |
Population in working age |
234 020 |
Urbanization index |
80,7 % |
Population density |
94,6 inh/ km2 |
Life expectancy at birth (1994-1995) |
75,85 |
Birthrate |
13,4 |
General mortality rates (per 1000 live) |
7,4 |
Infant mortality rate(per 1000 live births) |
5,9 |
Fecundity global rate (children per woman) |
1,61 |
Reproduction gross rate (daughters per woman) |
0,78 |
Inhabitants per physician |
183 |
Inhabitants per dentist |
1 175 |
Initial matricula (Course 1999/2000) |
78 450 |
Primary education |
34 050 |
Intermediate education |
30 450 |
Higher education |
3 087 |
Graduates (Course 1998/1999) |
15 186 |
Primary education |
5 716 |
Intermediate education |
7 272 |
Higher education |
436 |