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Santa Isabel Hotel
Santa Isabel Hotel
Old Havana, Havana City
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from 153.00 €/night
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For the perfection of its landscape, Pinar del Rio was nicknamed the Jardin de Cuba. Also known for producing the best tobacco in the world, this province located in the western part of the country, has a surface of 10 931.5 km and a population of 718 000 inhabitants. In 1774, it was named Nueva Filipinas and four years later, the name was changed to Pinar del Rio.

Since the XIXth century, the beauty of its nature has attracted many settlers from Havana who went to visit La Cueva de los Portales, and receive the benefits of the mineral-medicinal and thermal waters of San Diego de los Baños and to contemplate the Valle de Viñales.

Cayo Levisa is only at 2 hours from Havana and is accessible from the Palma Rubia wharf.

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