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Santa Isabel Hotel
Santa Isabel Hotel
Old Havana, Havana City
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from 153.00 €/night
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The vegetable layer of this region is vigorous and heterogeneous. South from the municipalities of Bartolomé Masó, Buey Arriba, and Guisa, there are great extensions of mountain pluvial perennifoliate woods (800- 1600 m, 2624- 5248 ft, of height) around a typical cloudy perennifoliate wood focus (1600- 1900 m, 5248- 6232 ft, of height) to the northeast of the Turquino peak. There are great extensions of sub-mountain perennifoliate woods at heights between 400 and 800 m (1312- 2624 ft). The typical mesophilous sub-perennifoliate wood can be found to the east of Bartolomé Masó, upper basin of Yara river.
The exclusive pine groves and the regional endemic skyscraper pine (Pinus Maestrensis) grow on the summits of the western end of Guamá municipality.
The coastal thicket or coastal and sub-coastal xeromorphic heaths colonize great extensions of the high rocky littoral of the submerged stairs of Cabo Cruz (Llanura y Meseta de Cabo Cruz), followed by large zones of coastal microphilous woodlands (dry woodlands) towards the north

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